Scripture Verse

I will shake all nations, and the desire of all nations shall come. Haggai 2:7


Words: John O’Con­nor, in Ar­un­del Hymns, by Hen­ry F. Nor­folk & Charles T. Gat­ty (Lon­don: Boo­sey & Com­pa­ny, 1898), num­ber 49.

Music: Schles­wig 14th Cen­tu­ry Ger­man tune (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of O’Con­nor (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Let sweet and ho­ly sound
Enwrap the earth around,
For all the world’s De­light
In swath­ing bands is bound,
And gold­en with His light
Is Beth­le­hem’s poor stall.
Hail! First and Last of all!
Hail! First and Last of all!

O Ba­by soft and weak
Thou mak­est my dumb heart speak;
O lit­tle Child most High,
By this Thy love so meek,
Grant me to live and die
In Thy sweet loy­al­ty.
Oh! call me af­ter Thee!
Oh! call me af­ter Thee!

Oh! Love of God the Sire!
O pi­ty­ing de­sire
Of His eter­nal Son!
From sin and quench­less fire
Our souls hath Je­sus won
To deck His pal­ace fair:
Oh would that we were there!
Oh would that we were there!

For glad­ness ne­ver dies
In those im­mor­tal skies;
The gold­en tides of song
From choir­èd an­gels rise;
And in the tur­rets strong,
Sweet bells make praise and pray­er;
Oh would that we were there!
Oh would that we were there!