Scripture Verse

I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. John 12:47


Robert K. Greville (1794–1866)

Words: Ro­bert K. Gre­ville, The Church of Eng­land Hymn-book (Ed­in­burgh, Scot­land: Will­iam Oli­phant & Sons, 1838), num­ber 433.

Music: Sal­va­tion’s Plan Scott Wer­de­baugh, 2018 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Scott Werdebaugh (1951–)


A lost and sin­ful world to save,
In hu­man form the Sav­ior came:
He laid His glo­ry by,
To bear our sin and shame.
A king, He left for us His Fa­ther’s throne;
He came—and was re­ject­ed by His own!

A man of sor­rows and of grief—
Homeless—in hum­ble garb ar­rayed;
A world’s ini­qui­ty
Was on His shoul­ders laid.
Despised and poor, He bound­less rich­es gave;
Stricken, He came om­ni­po­tent to save.

But, oh to us how beau­ti­ful
The feet of Him, the Ho­ly One—
Herald of end­less peace
To all be­neath the sun!
Himself how bruised—He heals the sin­ner’s pain;
Nailed to the cross—He bursts the sin­ner’s chain!

Then be it ours to raise the song—
The in­cense of the heart to Heav’n!
Lord, let our dai­ly praise
To Thy great name be giv’n!
In this frail scene, be Thine our trust, our love;
Poor pil­grims here, we seek a home above.