I came not to judge the world, but to save the world.
John 12:47
Words: Robert K. Greville, The Church of England Hymn-book (Edinburgh, Scotland: William Oliphant & Sons, 1838), number 433.
Music: Salvation’s Plan Scott Werdebaugh, 2018 (🔊
© 2018 Scott Werdebaugh
This music may be freely reproduced or published for Christian worship or devotions, provided it is not altered, & this notice is on each copy. All other rights reserved.
A lost and sinful world to save,
In human form the Savior came:
He laid His glory by,
To bear our sin and shame.
A king, He left for us His Father’s throne;
He came—and was rejected by His own!
A man of sorrows and of grief—
Homeless—in humble garb arrayed;
A world’s iniquity
Was on His shoulders laid.
Despised and poor, He boundless riches gave;
Stricken, He came omnipotent to save.
But, oh to us how beautiful
The feet of Him, the Holy One—
Herald of endless peace
To all beneath the sun!
Himself how bruised—He heals the sinner’s pain;
Nailed to the cross—He bursts the sinner’s chain!
Then be it ours to raise the song—
The incense of the heart to Heav’n!
Lord, let our daily praise
To Thy great name be giv’n!
In this frail scene, be Thine our trust, our love;
Poor pilgrims here, we seek a home above.