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Scripture Verse

Son of man, all My words that I shall speak unto thee receive in thine heart, and hear with thine ears. Ezekiel 3:10


Words & Mu­sic: Scott Wer­de­baugh, 2009 (🔊 ).

Scott Werdebaugh (1951–)

I read some words to a si­mi­lar chor­us in a church bul­le­tin some years ago and came up with this pa­ra­phrase and mu­sic. I have re­searched ov­er the years look­ing to find the orig­in­al score and com­pos­er and au­thor of the orig­in­al lyr­ics to give him/her the pro­per credit…but al­as I have been un­suc­cess­ful in my search. I have long since lost that church bul­le­tin so I on­ly have my words to fall back on.

This hymn is in­tend­ed to be sung at the be­gin­ning of a wor­ship ser­vice or just be­fore a pas­tor’s mes­sage. The first stan­za is first per­son plur­al, as an in­vi­ta­tion to wor­ship to the church con­gre­ga­tion as a whole. The se­cond stan­za, in first person sin­gu­lar, is a more per­son­al in­vi­ta­tion to each in­di­vi­du­al con­gre­gant.

Scott Werdebaugh, 2018


We have come to sing Your prais­es, Lord,
We have come to wor­ship You;
We have come to hear Your still small voice
In ev’ry thing we do.
Teach us Your Ho­ly Word, O Lord,
Your Wis­dom and Your Pow’r;
We’ve come to set our­selves apart
For You this ho­ly hour.

I have come to sing Your prais­es, Lord,
I have come to wor­ship You;
I have come to hear Your still small voice
In ev’ry thing I do.
Teach me Your Ho­ly Word, O Lord,
Your Wis­dom and Your Pow’r;
I’ve come to set my­self apart
For You this ho­ly hour.