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Scripture Verse

God is the King of all the earth: sing ye praises with understanding. Psalm 47:7


Words & Mu­sic: Scott Wer­de­baugh, 1980 (🔊 ).

Scott Werdebaugh (1951–)


Father God, Je­ho­vah is Your Name;
Holy One, from age to age the same!
Hallelujah! Wor­ship Him above;
Our true God of per­fect love!

Son of God, our Sav­ior is He;
Lord of lords and King of Glo­ry!
Hallelujah! Prais­es to Him bring;
Jesus Christ, our Lord and King!

Holy Ghost, pure Spir­it of God above;
Full of pow’r and peace and joy and love!
Hallelujah! Fill us ful­ly now,
And through us, Your Glo­ry show!
And through us, Your Glo­ry show!