Come to Me.
Matthew 11:28
Words: Lura Hammond, in New Songs of Praise, by Alfred E. Helton et al. (Lenoir, North Carolina: Teachers’ Music Publishing, 1913), number 146.
Music: J. Houston Smith (🔊
Alternate Tune:
Hear the Savior’s gentle voice,
In His mercy now rejoice
For He calls each one by sin oppressed;
Come, accept His love today,
He will wash your sins away,
Come, ye weary, and I’ll give you rest!
Come to Me, come to Me,
Though by burden of sin you’re oppressed;
Come to Me, come to Me,
Come, ye weary, and I’ll give you rest!
Jesus left His home on high,
Came for sinful man to die;
Still He’s pleading with sinners distressed;
O He suffered death for all,
To redeem them from the fall,
Come, ye weary, and I’ll give you rest!
If you’ll come, confess your sin,
Life eternal you may win,
And He’ll guide to the land of the blest;
O no longer heedless be,
Trust Him and for aye be free,
Come, ye weary, and I’ll give you rest!