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COME TO ME (Hammond)

Scripture Verse

Come to Me. Matthew 11:28


Words: Lu­ra Ham­mond, in New Songs of Praise, by Al­fred E. Hel­ton et al. (Le­noir, North Ca­ro­li­na: Teach­ers’ Mu­sic Pub­lish­ing, 1913), num­ber 146.

Music: J. Hous­ton Smith (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:


Hear the Sav­ior’s gen­tle voice,
In His mer­cy now re­joice
For He calls each one by sin op­pressed;
Come, ac­cept His love to­day,
He will wash your sins away,
Come, ye wea­ry, and I’ll give you rest!


Come to Me, come to Me,
Though by bur­den of sin you’re op­pressed;
Come to Me, come to Me,
Come, ye wea­ry, and I’ll give you rest!

Jesus left His home on high,
Came for sin­ful man to die;
Still He’s plead­ing with sin­ners dis­tressed;
O He suf­fered death for all,
To re­deem them from the fall,
Come, ye wea­ry, and I’ll give you rest!


If you’ll come, con­fess your sin,
Life eter­nal you may win,
And He’ll guide to the land of the blest;
O no longer heed­less be,
Trust Him and for aye be free,
Come, ye wea­ry, and I’ll give you rest!
