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Scripture Verse

The hour of His judgment is come. Revelation 14:7


George Herbert (1593–1632)

Words: George Her­bert, pub­lished post­hu­mous­ly in The Tem­ple (Cam­bridge, Eng­land: Buck & Dan­iel, 1633), page 181. Re­pub­lished in Hymns and Sac­red Po­ems, by Charles We­sley, 1739, pag­es 10–11.

Music: Ar­fon French & Welsh tune. Ar­ranged by Hugh Da­vies, cir­ca 1906 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Da­vies (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Come to judg­ment, come away!
Hark, I hear the an­gel say,
Summoning the dust to rise;
Haste, re­sume, and lift your eyes;
Hear, ye sons of Ad­am, hear;
Man, be­fore thy God ap­pear!

Come to judg­ment, come away!
This the last, the dread­ful day.
Sovereign Au­thor, Judge of all,
Dust ob­eys Thy quick­en­ing call;
Dust no oth­er voice will heed:
Thine the trump that wakes the dead.

Come to judg­ment, come away!
Lingering man, no long­er stay;
Thee let earth at length re­store,
Prisoner in her womb no more;
Burst the bar­ri­ers of the tomb,
Rise to meet thy in­stant doom!

Come to judg­ment, come away!
Wide dis­persed how­e’er ye stray,
Lost in fire, or air, or main,
Kindred at­oms meet again;
Sepulchered wher­e’er ye rest,
Mixed with fish, or bird, or beast.

Come to judg­ment, come away!
Help, O Christ, Thy work’s de­cay:
Man is out of or­der hurled,
Parceled out to all the world;
Lord, Thy brok­en con­cert raise,
And the mu­sic shall be praise.