The hour of His judgment is come.
Revelation 14:7
Words: George Herbert, published posthumously in The Temple (Cambridge, England: Buck & Daniel, 1633), page 181. Republished in Hymns and Sacred Poems, by Charles Wesley, 1739, pages 10–11.
Music: Arfon French & Welsh tune. Arranged by Hugh Davies, circa 1906 (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Davies (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Come to judgment, come away!
Hark, I hear the angel say,
Summoning the dust to rise;
Haste, resume, and lift your eyes;
Hear, ye sons of Adam, hear;
Man, before thy God appear!
Come to judgment, come away!
This the last, the dreadful day.
Sovereign Author, Judge of all,
Dust obeys Thy quickening call;
Dust no other voice will heed:
Thine the trump that wakes the dead.
Come to judgment, come away!
Lingering man, no longer stay;
Thee let earth at length restore,
Prisoner in her womb no more;
Burst the barriers of the tomb,
Rise to meet thy instant doom!
Come to judgment, come away!
Wide dispersed howe’er ye stray,
Lost in fire, or air, or main,
Kindred atoms meet again;
Sepulchered where’er ye rest,
Mixed with fish, or bird, or beast.
Come to judgment, come away!
Help, O Christ, Thy work’s decay:
Man is out of order hurled,
Parceled out to all the world;
Lord, Thy broken concert raise,
And the music shall be praise.