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Scripture Verse

The commandments, the statutes, and the judgments, which the Lord your God commanded…thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children. Deuteronomy 6:1, 7


Scott Werdebaugh (1951–)

Words: Scott Wer­de­baugh, 1992, 2018.

Music: A Fa­ther’s Pray­er Scott Wer­de­baugh, 1992 (🔊 ).


O Lord, I hum­bly come to You
With this my ear­nest plea:
Lord, help me to be­come the man
That You would have me be.
Purge me from sin, cleanse me with­in;
And fill my life with You, O Lord,
Your love and pow’r to know.
Help me each day, along life’s way,
To keep You first in all I do,
And by Your grace, to grow.

O God, my Fa­ther, full of love,
Your grace abounds to me.
Lord, through my life may You alone
Be all my children see.
Purge us from sin, cleanse us with­in;
And fill our lives with You, O Lord,
Your love and pow’r to know.
Help us each day, along life’s way,
To keep You first in all we do,
And by Your grace, to grow.

And Lord, when all our days are done,
When life on earth is through,
We then will know life’s great­est joy:
Eternal life with You.
There we shall sing, loud an­thems ring;
And as we ga­ther ’round Your throne,
We’ll praise our Lord and King:
Thanks be to God! Praise Him alone!
But un­til then, O Lord, we pray,
To You the lost we’ll bring.