Scripture Verse

Let us now go…unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. Luke 2:15


Words: Vio­lan­te do Céu (1601–1693). Trans­lat­ed from Por­tu­guese to Eng­lish by John Ad­am­son, Lu­si­tan­ia Il­lus­tra­ta, 1842.

Music: Ad­vent Peace Scott Wer­de­baugh, 2017 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of do Céu or Ad­am­son (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

Scott Werdebaugh (1951–)


While to Bethl’hem we are go­ing,
Tell me now, to cheer the road,
Tell me why this love­ly In­fant
Quitted His di­vine abode.


From that world to bring to this
Peace, which, of all earth­ly bliss­es,
Is the bright­est, pur­est bliss.

Wherefore from His throne ex­alt­ed
Came He on this earth to dwell;
All His pomp a hum­ble man­ger,
All His court a nar­row cell?


Why did He, the Lord Eter­nal,
Mortal pil­grim deign to be;
He who fa­shioned for His glo­ry,
Boundless im­mor­tal­ity?


Well, then, let us haste to Beth­l’hem;
Thither let us haste and rest;
For, of all Heav’n’s gifts, the sweet­est,
Sure, is peace—the sweet­est, best.
