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Scripture Verse

Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? Matthew 2:1–2


Words: Old Pro­ven­çal car­ol (La Marche Des Rois Mages). Trans­lat­or un­known, be­fore 1915.

Music: Mar­cho di Rèi Georges Bi­zet, 1872 (🔊 ). Ar­ranged by Bi­zet from a Pro­ven­çal tune (pos­si­bly 13th Cen­tu­ry, some­times used with the far­an­dole dance) for Al­phonse Dau­det’s play L’Arl­ési­enne. Har­mo­ny by Scott Wer­de­baugh, Sep­tem­ber 16, 2017 (pub­lic do­main).

Georges Bizet (1838–1875)


Journey of the Magi
James Tissot (1836–1902)

This high­way be­held at break of day
Three east­ern kings go by up­on their jour­ney.
This high­way be­held at break of day
Three east­ern kings go by in rich ar­ray.
With cour­age high all their guards passed by,
Their knights at arms
With the squires and the pag­es.
With cour­age high all their guards passed by,
With gild­ed armor shin­ing like the sky.

Wondering then, I watched the migh­ty men,
I stood am­azed as all the knights were pass­ing.
Wondering then, I watched the migh­ty men,
And as they passed I fol­lowed them again.
They jour­neyed far to the guid­ing star
That shone where Je­sus
Was ly­ing in a man­ger.
And far away where the Christ Child lay
They found the shep­herds come to watch and pray.

Gaspard old had brought a gift of gold.
He said, My Lord, Thou art the King of Glo­ry.
Gaspard old gave Christ his gift of gold,
And that this Child would con­quer death, he told.
Then in­cense sweet at the Christ Child’s feet
King Mel­ch­ior placed, say­ing,
Thou art God of ar­mies.
Although He lies here in hum­ble guise,
This lit­tle Child is God of earth and skies.

You will die; for You, my Lord, I cry,
Wept Balthazar, his gifts of myrrh pre­sent­ing.
You will die, and in a tomb will lie,
For on a cross You will be lift­ed high.

All we to­day to the Child must pray,
Who came to earth
With His gifts of peace and bless­ing,
To Him we pray, and our hom­age pay
And with the kings we march along the way.