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Scripture Verse

When the morning was…come, Jesus stood on the shore. John 21:4


Martha E. Pettus

Words: Mar­tha E. Pet­tus, The Way­side Shrine (Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts: Sher­man, French & Com­pa­ny, 1914), pag­es 88–89, alt.

Music: Ni­ger­ia James H. Ro­se­crans, 1897 (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

If you know where to get a bet­ter pho­to of Pet­tus, would you send us an e-mail?

James H. Rosecrans


When from my sight the last earth-sha­dow falls,
When life’s last mid­night is o’er,
Just as the morn on the riv­er shall dawn,
Jesus will stand on the shore.
Yes, ’twill be morn­ing! The light of His face
Shines down that path­way of gloom;
Vanished thy ter­ror, thy vic­to­ry, Death,
Since He was laid in the tomb!

Since He is ris­en! O rap­tur­ous word!
Risen! He go­eth be­fore!
When He shall bid me Come ov­er, I know
Jesus will stand on the shore!
How can I fear, then, that riv­er to cross?
(Hushed are its storms ev­er­more);
How can I faint when I watch for His smile,
His, who will stand on the shore?

Yes, He is watch­ing; He still­eth the waves,
Bearing His ran­somed ones o’er;
Ready to wel­come each pil­grim, He stands
Waiting on Heav­en’s bright shore.
And I shall see Him, who once on the earth
Robes of mor­tal­ity wore;
Onward, blest spir­it, look on­ward and see
Jesus—He stands on the shore!

I would have told you! That word of His love
Comforts my soul more and more;
Jordan rolls dark­ly, but morn­ing is near:
Jesus will stand on the shore!
Spirit of mine, when the sha­dow of death
Clouds o’er thy heav­en, once more
Fear not, Oh, fear not! The riv­er once crossed,
Jesus will stand on the shore!