Scripture Verse

Stand every morning to thank and praise the Lord. 1 Chronicles 23:30


John B. Dykes (1823–1876)

Words: Will­iam H. Fur­ness, Ma­nu­al of Do­mes­tic Wor­ship 1840.

Music: Fer­ri­er John B. Dykes, 1862 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William H. Furness (1802–1896)


In the morn­ing I will raise
To my God the voice of praise;
With His kind pro­tect­ion blest,
Sweet and deep has been my rest.

In the morn­ing I will pray
For His bless­ing on the day;
What this day shall be my lot,
Light or dark­ness, I know not.

Should it be with clouds o’er­cast,
Clouds of sor­row ga­ther­ing fast,
Thou, who giv­est light di­vine,
Shine with me, Lord, O shine.

Show me, if I tempt­ed be,
How to find all strength in Thee,
And a per­fect tri­umph win
Over ev­ery bo­som sin.

Keep my feet from sec­ret snares,
Keep my eyes, O God, from tears,
Every step Thy grace at­tend,
And my soul from death de­fend.

Then when fall the shades of night,
All with­in shall still be light;
Thou wilt peace around dif­fuse,
Gently as the ev­en­ing dews.