There were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
Luke 2:8
Words & Music: Scott Werdebaugh, 2005 (🔊
© 2005 Scott Werdebaugh
These words and music may be freely reproduced or published for Christian worship or devotions, provided they are not altered, & this notice is on each copy. All other rights reserved.
One special night, one holy night,
We were to be so very blest;
For on that night, that holy night,
God came to us to light up our lives,
So we could behold His glory.
Glory to God! Glory to God!
Glory to God in the highest!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Jesus has come to be our Savior!
One special night, one holy night,
While we were all so lost in sin,
God gave to us His only Son;
His precious gift to save us from sin,
So we could behold God’s glory.
One special night, one holy night,
Was born a perfect little Lamb!
Slain for us all, our death He died,
Now He reigns, our Savior and King,
And brings to us life eternal!