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Scripture Verse

Thou, even Thou, art Lord alone. Nehemiah 9:6


Words: Scott Wer­de­baugh, 2017.

Music: Sov’reign God Scott Wer­de­baugh, 2017 (🔊 ).

Scott Werdebaugh (1951–)


Sov’reign God, to You alone,
I hum­bly bow be­fore Your throne;
Lord of glo­ry, full of grace,
Let me know Your warm em­brace.

I come to You, this ho­ly hour,
To wor­ship You and Your great pow’r.
Fix my spir­it, still my heart,
Fill my soul and cleanse each part.

Teach me now all You have for me,
I give my all, Lord, help me to see
How I can love, ob­ey, and grow,
So through my life, Your Pre­sence flow.

I come to You, this ho­ly hour,
To wor­ship You and Your great pow’r.
Fix my spir­it, still my heart,
Fill my soul and cleanse each part.

Holy God, You are my king,
Make my life to whol­ly sing;
I wor­ship You, I bring You praise,
Solely for You, I give my days.

I come to You, this holy hour,
To worship You and Your great pow’r.
Fix my spir­it, still my heart,
Fill my soul and cleanse each part.
Fill my soul and cleanse each part.
Fill my soul and cleanse each part.