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Scripture Verse

He that scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him, as a shepherd doth his flock. Jeremiah 31:10


Thomas Davenport

Words: Tho­mas Da­ven­port (1815–1888).

Music: Back to Zi­on Or­son P. Hu­ish (1851–1932). Ar­ranged by Da­vid H. Jones (1900–1983) (🔊 ).

Orson P. Huish


Come, all ye sons of God,
Who have re­ceived the priest­hood,
Go spread the Gos­pel wide,
And ga­ther in His peo­ple,
The lat­ter day work has be­gun,
To gather scat­tered Is­ra­el in
And bring them back to Zi­on
To praise the Lamb.

Come, all ye scat­tered sheep,
And list­en to your Shep­herd,
While you the bless­ing reap,
Which long have been pre­dict­ed;
By pro­phets long it’s been fore­told
He’ll ga­ther you in­to His fold
And bring you home to Zi­on
To praise the Lamb.

Repent and be bap­tized,
And have your sins re­mit­ted,
And get the Spir­it’s zeal;
O then you’ll be unit­ed;
Go cast up­on Him all your cares;
He will regard your hum­ble pray­er
And bring you home to Zi­on
To praise the Lamb.

And when your grief is o’er
And end­ed your af­flict­ion,
Your spir­its then will soar
To await the re­sur­rect­ion;
And then His pre­sence you’ll en­joy,
In heav­en­ly bliss your time em­ploy,
A thou­sand years in Zi­on
To praise the Lamb.