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David Hugh Jones



Born: 1900, Jack­son, Ohio.


Jones gra­du­at­ed from the Guil­ford Or­gan School, New York Ci­ty, in 1920. He lat­er at­tend­ed the Am­eri­can Con­ser­va­to­ry, Fon­taine­bleau, France, and re­ceived hon­or­ary de­grees from Wash­ing­ton and Jef­fer­son Col­lege and Bea­ver Col­lege (now Ar­ca­dia Uni­ver­si­ty). In 1924, he be­came a Fel­low of the Am­eri­can Guild of Or­gan­ists.

He played the or­gan at church­es in Ports­mouth and Day­ton, Ohio; and in New York Ci­ty, Rome, and Brook­lyn, New York.

From 1934 un­til re­tir­ing in 1979, he was the Mill­er Cha­pel or­gan­ist and choir di­rect­or at Prince­ton Theo­lo­gic­al Se­mi­na­ry, New Jer­sey.

In 1937, he found­ed the se­mi­na­ry’s tour­ing choir, which sang at thou­sands of church­es in Am­eri­ca, Ca­na­da, Cu­ba, Mex­ico, Co­lo­mb­ia, Ve­ne­zue­la, the Car­ib­be­an is­lands, Ja­pan, and Ko­rea.



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