He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says.
Revelation 2:7
Words: Susan H. Peterson, 1998 (public domain).
Music: Salvation (Hays) William S. Hays (1837–1907). Adapted by Charles W. Fry, 1881 (🔊
If you know where to get a better photo of Hays, would you send us an e-mail?
Come and hear the words of Jesus,
Who holds the seven stars
And who walks among the seven lamps of gold.
He says, I know all your actions,
You’ve tested wicked men,
You have persevered,
Though hardships o’er you rolled.
Yet I have this against you:
You’ve left your first true love.
Now repent, or I’ll remove you from your place.
He who overcomes will eat from
God’s precious tree of life.
He who has an ear, hear what the Spirit says.
Come and hear the words of Jesus,
Who is the first and last
And who died and then came back to life again.
He says, I know your afflictions;
You’re poor, yet you are rich.
You’ve endured much slander
From the tongues of men.
Don’t be afraid of suffering;
Be faithful unto death,
And you will the crown of life receive one day.
He who overcomes will not be
Hurt by the second death.
He who has an ear, hear what the Spirit says.
Come and hear the words of Jesus,
Who holds the two-edged sword;
He says, You’ve been true
And not renounced your faith.
Yet I have some things against you:
You’ve been enticed to sin;
Immorality and idols you’ve embraced.
You must repent, or I’ll come
And fight you with My sword.
Those who win will hidden manna have always.
Overcomers will be given
A new name cut in stone.
He who has an ear, hear what the Spirit says.
Come and hear the words of Jesus,
Whose eyes are blazing fire.
He says, I know all your love and faith and deeds.
You are doing more than ever,
Yet still I bring this charge,
For you tolerate a teacher who misleads.
I’ll make you suffer greatly,
Unless you now repent.
You will know that I search hearts and will repay.
But I’ll give each overcomer authority to rule.
He who has an ear,
Hear what the Spirit says.
Come and hear the words of Jesus,
Who holds the seven stars.
He says, People think
You’re living, but you’re dead.
You must wake up now and strengthen
What’s left before it dies,
For your deeds are not complete, My God has said.
Obey what you have heard now,
Or I’ll come like a thief.
He who overcomes will walk with Me always.
I’ll acknowledge him in Heaven;
His name I’ll ne’er erase.
He who has an ear, hear what the Spirit says.
Come and hear the words of Jesus,
Who’s true and holds the key;
What He opens or He shuts will stay the same.
He says, See, I’ve placed before you
A door that’s open wide,
For you’ve kept My word and not denied My name.
I love you; now be steadfast,
So none will take your crown.
Overcomers will great pillars be some day.
I will write My new name on them,
The name of My God too.
He who has an ear, hear what the Spirit says.
Come and hear the words of Jesus,
God’s witness, faithful, true.
He says, You are neither cold, nor are you hot.
So because you’re lukewarm only,
I’ll spit you from My mouth,
For you think you’re rich
And do not know you’re not.
Buy gold from Me and white clothes
And salve so you can see.
Here I’m at the door, and now My voice I raise.
He who overcomes will with Me
Sit down upon My throne.
He who has an ear, hear what the Spirit says.