Scripture Verse

Lift up your eyes to the heavens. Isaiah 51:6


Isaac Smith (1734–1805)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: Jo­seph Swain, Wal­worth Hymns (Lon­don: J. Mat­thews, 1792), pag­es 42–43. The com­ing of Christ an­ti­ci­pat­ed.

Music: Sil­ver Street Is­aac Smith, cir­ca 1770 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Joseph Swain (1761–1796)


Come, lift your joy­ous eyes
To yon­der heav’n­ly place.
Where, freed from sin, your souls shall rise,
And sing re­deem­ing grace.

Though death and hell may frown,
And charge the saints with guilt;
Yet death and hell shall ne’er pull down
The Church which Christ has built.

To Si­on’s bliss­ful shore,
As on our way we go,
While hal­le­lu­jahs sound be­fore,
’Tis Heav’n be­gun be­low.

Then cast your wil­lows down;
List up your hearts and sing,
Till Christ your heads with glo­ry crown,
And make each saint a king.