Scripture Verse

Beginning at Moses and all the prophets, He expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning Himself. Luke 24:27


Johann H. Schein (1586–1630)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns for Our Lord’s Re­sur­rect­ion (Lon­don: Will­iam Stra­han, 1746), num­ber 6.

Music: Ei­sen­ach Jo­hann H. Schein, 1628. Har­mo­ny by Jo­hann S. Bach (1685–1750) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Come then, Thou pro­phet of the Lord,
Thou great in­ter­pre­ter di­vine,
Explain Thine own trans­mit­ted Word:
To teach, and to in­spire is Thine;
Thou on­ly canst Thy­self re­veal:
Open the Book, and loose the seal.

Whate’er the an­cient prop­hets spoke
Concerning Thee, O Christ, make known,
Sole sub­ject of the sac­red Book,
Thou fill­est all, and Thou alone;
Yet there our Lord we can­not see,
Unless Thy Spir­it lends the key.

Now, Je­su, now the veil re­move,
The fol­ly of our dark­ened heart;
Unfold the won­ders of Thy love,
The know­ledge of Thy­self im­part;
Our ear, our in­most soul we bow;
Speak, Lord, Thy ser­vants heark­en now.

Make not as Thou wouldst far­ther go,
Our friend, and coun­sel­or, and guide,
But stay, the path of life to show,
Still with our souls vouch­safe t’abide,
Constrained by Thy own mer­cy stay,
Nor leave us at the close of day.

Come in, with Thy dis­ci­ples sit,
Nor suf­fer us to ask in vain,
Nourish us, Lord, with liv­ing meat,
Our souls with heav’n­ly bread sus­tain;
Break to us now the mys­tic bread,
And bid us on Thy bo­dy feed.

Honor the means or­dained by Thee,
The great un­bloody sac­ri­fice,
The deep tre­men­dous mys­te­ry;
Thyself in our en­light­ened eyes
Now in the brok­en bread made known
And show us Thou art all our own.