Declare His works with rejoicing.
Psalm 107:22
Words: Fanny Crosby, 1882.
Music: Phoebe P. Knapp (🔊
Come with rejoicing, come with delight,
Nature in waking, glad and bright;
Hearts overflowing gather today,
Fill us with rapture, Lord we pray.
Praise our Redeemer, tell of His love,
Praise our Redeemer, God above;
Tell of His mercy, boundless and free,
None can protect us, Lord, like Thee;
Tell of His mercy, boundless and free,
None can protect us, Lord, like Thee.
Guarded from danger, sheltered and blest,
Under His banner, calm, we rest,
Come we before Him, come with a song,
Tell how He leads us all day long.
Oh! what a Savior, gracious to all,
Oh! how His blessings round us fall,
Gently to comfort, kindly to cheer,
Sleeping or waking, God is near.
Still may His mercy tenderly flow,
Still may He guide us here below;
Then when our journey safely is past,
May we be gathered home at last.