I was glad when they said unto me,
Psalm 122:1Let us go into the house of the Lord.
Words: Fanny Crosby, in Junior Christian Endeavor Songs, edited by Ira D. Sankey, John W. Baer & William Shaw (Boston, Massachusetts: United Society of Christian Endeavor, 1893), number 49.
Music: Hart P. Danks (🔊
Come with happy faces,
To the place of prayer;
Jesus now is waiting;
We shall find Him there.
With a grateful spirit,
Now our voices raise;
Thank Him for His goodness,
In a song of praise.
Come with happy faces;
Jesus rose today;
Leave the world behind us,
Seek the narrow way.
Come with happy faces,
Come with hearts sincere;
God our thoughts is reading,
He is ever near.
Come with happy faces,
Learn the words of truth;
Jesus loves the children;
Trust Him in our youth.