[They] said to the mountains and rocks,
Revelation 6:16Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb.
Words: R. KelÂso CarÂter, 1886. ApÂpeared in The ReÂvivÂal Wave, by G. W. WilÂson & B. H. KenÂneÂdy (PhiÂlaÂdelÂphia, PennÂsylÂvanÂia: John J. Hood, 1887), numÂber 110.
MuÂsic: Tuvalu R. KelÂso CarÂter, 1886 (🔊
O, the rocks and the mountÂains shall all flee away,
When JeÂsus comes to judgÂment the last great day;
And no reÂfuge can shelÂter, no coÂvert can hide
The soul that hath reÂjectÂed the CruÂciÂfied.
Sinner, sinÂner, plunge in the crimÂson flood!
There’s parÂdon, peace, and cleansÂing beÂneath the blood.
Sinner, sinÂner, plunge in the crimÂson flood!
There’s pardÂon, peace, and cleansÂing beÂneath the blood.
In the world there’s no pleaÂsure can evÂer endure,
The moÂments are so fleetÂing, there’s noÂthing sure;
For we fade as a leaf, and our time’s but a breath,
The Lord hath said the wagÂes of sin is death.
In the blood there is cleansÂing withÂout and withÂin,
And Jesus breaks the powÂer of canÂceled sin;
He keeps us and saves us to the utÂterÂmost,
Baptizes us with fire and the HoÂly Ghost.