Scripture Verse

He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance. John 14:26


Elevine Heede (1820–1883)

Words: Charles Wes­ley, Hymns on the Lord’s Sup­per 1745.

Music: Ar­en­dal Ele­vi­ne Heede (1820–1883) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Charles Wesley (1707–1788)


Come, Thou ev­er­last­ing Spir­it,
Bring to ev­ery thank­ful mind
All the Sav­ior’s dy­ing mer­it,
All His suf­fer­ings for man­kind!
True Re­cor­der of His pass­ion,
Now the liv­ing faith im­part;
Now re­veal His great sal­va­tion;
Preach His Gos­pel to our heart.

Come, Thou wit­ness of His dy­ing;
Come, Re­mem­branc­er di­vine!
Let us feel Thy pow­er, ap­ply­ing
Christ to ev­ery soul, and mine!
Let us groan Thine in­ward groan­ing;
Look on Him we pierced, and grieve;
All re­ceive the grace aton­ing,
All the sprin­kled blood re­ceive.