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Scripture Verse

Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us. Luke 2:15


Words: Jo­seph Hart, Hymns Com­posed on Va­ri­ous Sub­jects 1822, num­ber 12.

Music: Ab­er­deen pos­si­bly by An­drew Tait, in James Chal­mers’ un­ti­tled col­lect­ion, 1749. Me­lo­dy from Ru­di­ments of Mu­sic, by Ro­bert Brem­ner, 1756 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Hart or Tait (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Come, ye re­deem­èd of the Lord,
Your grate­ful trib­ute bring;
And ce­le­brate with one ac­cord,
The birth­day of our king.

Let us with hum­ble hearts re­pair—
Faith will point out the road—
To little Beth­le­hem; and there
Adore our in­fant God.

In swad­dling bands the Sav­ior view!
Let none this weak­ness scorn;
The feeb­lest heart shall hell sub­due,
Where Je­sus Christ is born.

No pomp ad­orns, no sweets per­fume,
The place where Christ is laid;
The sta­ble serves Him for His room;
A man­ger is His bed.

The crowded inn, like sin­ners’ hearts—
O ig­no­rance ex­treme!
For oth­er guests of va­ri­ous sorts
Had room; but none for Him.

But see what dif­fer­ent thoughts arise
In ours and an­gels’ breasts:
To hail His birth they left the skies;
We lodged Him with the beasts.

Yet let be­liev­ers cease their fears,
Nor en­vy heav’n­ly pow­ers;
If sin­less in­no­cence be theirs,
Redemption all is ours.