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Scripture Verse

I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:20


Words & Mu­sic: Anne S. Mur­phy, 1908 (🔊 ).

Anne S. Murphy (1877–1942)


There’s a peace in my heart
That the world nev­er gave,
A peace it can­not take away;
Though the tri­als of life
May sur­round like a cloud,
I’ve a peace that has come here to stay!


Constantly abid­ing, Je­sus is mine;
Constantly abid­ing, rap­ture di­vine;
He nev­er leaves me lone­ly,
Whispers, O so kind:
I will nev­er leave thee, Je­sus is mine.

All the world seemed to sing
Of a Sav­ior and king,
When peace sweet­ly came to my heart;
Troubles all fled away
And my night turned to day,
Blessèd Je­sus, how glo­ri­ous Thou art!


This trea­sure I have
In a tem­ple of clay,
While here on His foot­stool I roam;
But He’s com­ing to take
Me some glo­ri­ous day,
Over there to my heav­en­ly home!
