The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call Him Emmanuel.
Isaiah 7:14
Words: Fanny Crosby, 1898. Some hymnals give the author as Ida Scott Taylor, one of Fanny’s pseudonyms.
Music: Charles K. Langley, Sr. (🔊
Crown Him with rejoicing,
Sing His matchless praise!
Let your happy voices
Bless Him all your days;
March beneath His banner,
Follow His command;
Lo, He rules in splendor
With a powerful hand.
Hail today Immanuel’s birth!
Praise Him! praise Him!
Heav’n and earth!
Crown Him king with glad rejoicing,
O’er and o’er His wonders voicing;
Jesus reigns; Hosanna! cry,
Glory be to God on high!
Crown Him with rejoicing
On this blessèd day!
Let the bells in chorus
Echo miles away;
Glorious proclamation!
Let it chime and ring,
Christ, the Lord and Savior,
Reigns our sovereign king!
Crown Him with rejoicing!
Come from far and near—
’Tis the Christmas season,
Best of all the year;
Bring your gifts to Jesus,
Low before Him fall,
Crown Him king eternal,
Crown Him Lord of all.