Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!
Psalm 118:26
Words: William Goode, 1811.
Music: Brocklesby Charlotte A. Barnard, 1868 (🔊
Alternate Tune:
Crown His head with endless blessing,
Who, in God the Father’s name,
With compassions never ceasing,
Comes salvation to proclaim.
Hail, ye saints, who know His favor,
Who within His gates are found,
Hail, ye saints th’exalted Savior,
Let His courts with praise resound.
Lo, Jehovah, we adore Thee;
Thee our Savior! Thee our God!
From His throne His beams of glory
Shine through all the world around.
In His Word His light arises,
Brightest beams of truth and grace;
Bind, O bind your sacrifices,
In His courts your offerings place.
Jesus, Thee our Savior hailing,
Thee our God in praise we own,
Highest honors, never failing,
Rise eternal round Thy throne.
Now, ye saints, His pow’r confessing,
In your grateful strains adore;
For His mercy never ceasing,
Flows, and flows forevermore.