May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Galatians 6:14
Words: Daniel T. Taylor, in Hymns of the Morning, edited by Charles C. Barker (Concord, New Hampshire: Charles W. Sargent, 1872), number 257.
Music: Tallahassee H. B. Greongils, in Gospel Songs and Hymns No. 1, round note edition (Bridgewater, Virginia: George B. Holsinger, 1898), number 109 (🔊
Alternate Tune:
If you know Greongils’ full name, or where to get a good photo of him or Taylor (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Cross of Christ, O sacred tree,
Hide my sins and shelter me;
Claim or merit I have none,
I am vile and all undone;
I to Thee for succor fly—
Give me refuge, or I die.
Cross of Christ, O sacred tree,
All my hopes are hung on thee.
Cross of Christ, O sacred tree,
Let me to thy shadow flee;
Here they mocked the Crucified,
Here the royal sufferer died;
Here was shed the atoning blood,
Till it crimsoned all the sod;
Cross of Christ, O sacred tree,
Can the guilty trust in thee?
Cross of Christ, O sacred tree,
Type of love’s deep mystery.
’Twas my sins provoked this love,
I this matchless passion moved;
For my soul this love was stored;
On my head the blessing poured;
Cross of Christ, O sacred tree,
Now I solve love’s mystery.
Cross of Christ, O sacred tree,
This my boast shall ever be,
That the blood for me was shed,
That for me He groaned and bled;
Now I catch that gracious eye,
Now I know I shall not die;
Cross of Christ, O sacred tree,
All my guilt is lost in thee!