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Scripture Verse

When the chief Shepherd shall appear, ye shall receive a crown of glory that fadeth not away. 1 Peter 5:4


Words: Thomas O. Blair, in Sow­ing and Reap­ing, by John H. Kurz­en­kna­be (Har­ris­burg, Penn­syl­van­ia: J. H. Kurz­en­kna­be & Sons, 1889), num­ber 140.

Music: Le­vi White (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Blair or White (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Are you march­ing in the ar­my of our king,
To that gold­en land of bliss be­yond the sky?
Even now His prais­es bring,
Let the chor­us loud­ly ring,
For the crown­ing day is com­ing by and by.


Oh, the crown­ing day is com­ing, is com­ing by and by,
Yes, the crown­ing day is com­ing, is com­ing by and by.
There are crowns for you and me!
Crowns of gold, by faith, we’ll see,
Crowns and king­doms in a bet­ter world on high.

Are you fight­ing ’neath the ban­ner of the cross,
True and faith­ful to your Sav­ior till you die?
If sus­tain­ing earth­ly loss,
Know these trea­sures are but dross,
And the crown­ing day is com­ing by and by.


Hear the Sav­ior’s voice above the strife and din,
While the fie­ry darts of Sa­tan ’round you fly!
You the vic­to­ry shall win,
Over death, and hell, and sin,
For the crown­ing day is com­ing by and by.


We’ll press on­ward to that coun­try won­drous fair,
To that fai­ry land of peace be­yond the sky;
Earthly crowns can­not com­pare
With the crowns the saints shall wear,
In the crown­ing day that’s com­ing by and by.
