He will swallow up death in victory.
Isaiah 25:8
Words: Elsie D. Yale, 1909.
Music: Isaac H. Meredith (🔊
Crown, O crown Him Conqueror!
The gates of death swing wide,
The sealèd stone is rolled away,
He lives, the Crucified.
The golden glories of the day
The eastern skies adorn,
Crown Him, crown Him Conqueror!
’Tis resurrection morn!
Crown Him, crown Him,
Victor in the strife;
Crown Him, crown Him,
Lord of light and life;
Harps in rapture now resound,
While angel voices sing;
Crown Him, crown Him Conqueror!
O hail the risen King!
Crown, O crown Him Conqueror!
Upon His scarrèd brow
There rests a diadem of light
In royal splendor now.
And all shall lowly bow the knee,
Who mocked Him once in scorn;
Crown, O crown Him Conqueror!
’Tis resurrection morn!
Crown, O crown Him Conqueror!
The harps in triumph ring,
And angel hosts in glad accord
Their joyful anthems sing.
No longer weep in lonely grief,
O saddened hearts forlorn,
Crown Him, crown Him Conqueror!
’Tis resurrection morn!