Scripture Verse

He will swallow up death in victory. Isaiah 25:8


Elsie D. Yale (1873–1956)
Isaac Meredith (1872–1962)

Words: El­sie D. Yale, 1909.

Music: Is­aac H. Me­re­dith (🔊 pdf nwc).


Crown, O crown Him Con­quer­or!
The gates of death swing wide,
The seal­èd stone is rolled away,
He lives, the Cru­ci­fied.
The gold­en glo­ries of the day
The east­ern skies ad­orn,
Crown Him, crown Him Con­quer­or!
’Tis re­sur­rect­ion morn!


Crown Him, crown Him,
Victor in the strife;
Crown Him, crown Him,
Lord of light and life;
Harps in rap­ture now re­sound,
While ang­el voic­es sing;
Crown Him, crown Him Con­quer­or!
O hail the ris­en King!

Crown, O crown Him Con­quer­or!
Upon His scarr­èd brow
There rests a dia­dem of light
In royal splen­dor now.
And all shall low­ly bow the knee,
Who mocked Him once in scorn;
Crown, O crown Him Con­quer­or!
’Tis re­sur­rect­ion morn!


Crown, O crown Him Con­quer­or!
The harps in tri­umph ring,
And an­gel hosts in glad ac­cord
Their joy­ful an­thems sing.
No long­er weep in lone­ly grief,
O sad­dened hearts for­lorn,
Crown Him, crown Him Con­quer­or!
’Tis re­sur­rect­ion morn!
