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CROWN HIM (Morris)

Scripture Verse

On His head were many crowns. Revelation 19:12


Words & Mu­sic: Le­lia N. Mor­ris, 1914 (🔊 ).

Lelia N. Morris (1862–1929)



Behold one day a won­drous scene:
There rode a man of low­ly mien,
Along the dus­ty way, along the dus­ty way;
The peo­ple thronged Him as He passed,
Palm branch­es in His way they cast,
And cried, Ho­san­na to the King, to­day!


Crown Him! Crown Him!
Crown the Sav­ior King of kings;
In your hearts en­throne Him,
Lord and mas­ter own Him;
Crown Him! Crown Him!
While heaven ex­ult­ant rings;
Crown the bless­èd Sav­ior King of kings.

He’s pass­ing by, just as of yore,
And great and small and rich and poor,
Today their Lord de­ny, to­day their Lord de­ny;
Oh, make of Him su­prem­est choice,
And with up­lift­ed heart and voice,
Hosanna to the King of kings still cry.


Soon He is com­ing back again,
A thou­sand years on earth to reign;
We’ll see Him by and by, we’ll see Him by and by;
All the re­deem­ed with Him He’ll bring,
Who in their hearts have crowned Him king,
And they shall live and reign with Him on high.
