On His head were many crowns.
Revelation 19:12
Words & Music: Lelia N. Morris, 1914 (🔊
Behold one day a wondrous scene:
There rode a man of lowly mien,
Along the dusty way, along the dusty way;
The people thronged Him as He passed,
Palm branches in His way they cast,
And cried, Hosanna to the King, today!
Crown Him! Crown Him!
Crown the Savior King of kings;
In your hearts enthrone Him,
Lord and master own Him;
Crown Him! Crown Him!
While heaven exultant rings;
Crown the blessèd Savior King of kings.
He’s passing by, just as of yore,
And great and small and rich and poor,
Today their Lord deny, today their Lord deny;
Oh, make of Him supremest choice,
And with uplifted heart and voice,
Hosanna to the King of kings
still cry.
Soon He is coming back again,
A thousand years on earth to reign;
We’ll see Him by and by, we’ll see Him by and by;
All the redeemed with Him He’ll bring,
Who in their hearts have crowned Him king,
And they shall live and reign with Him on high.