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CROWN HIM (Latimer)

Scripture Verse

On His head were many crowns. Revelation 19:12


Words: L. M. La­ti­mer, in Light and Life Songs No. 3, ed­it­ed by Will­iam B. Olm­stead (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: W. B. Rose, 1918), num­ber 19, alt.

Music: Port An­ge­les Fan­nie B. Bu­la, 1918 (🔊 ).

If you know La­ti­mer’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Bu­la (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


They hushed their breath, that no­ble band,
To catch the last fare­well,
The dear home shore re­ced­ing fast,
With ev­ery ocean swell.
Above the ci­ty’s noise and din,
A song rose on the air,
A song of tri­umph and of joy,
From loved ones ga­thered there.


Then speed thee on to ev­ery land,
Proclaim the Gos­pel call,
Till souls who sit in dark­ness now,
Shall crown Him Lord of all.

All hail the power of Je­sus’ name,
And clear as bu­gle call,
The words came float­ing on the air,
O crown Him Lord of all.
They caught the spir­it of that hymn
Danger and death looked small
To those brave ones who gave their lives
To crown Him Lord of all.


A bat­tle hymn that song sped on,
The world for Christ the call;
For ev­ery is­land of the sea
Shall crown Him Lord of all.
On Af­ric’s far off sun­ny slopes,
By Chi­na’s king­ly wall,
They lay their lives down at His feet,
And crown Him Lord of all.


The south­ern cross be­gins to bend,
The morn­ing dawns at last;
See id­ol, man­dir, mosque and tow­er,
At Je­sus’ feet are cast.
Triumphant Zi­on, lift thy head,
Let ev­ery bur­den fall;
Come, cast your tro­phies at His feet,
And crown Him Lord of all.
