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Scripture Verse

A man…shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall be one flesh. Genesis 2;24


Felix Mendelssohn

Words: John B. Green­wood (1828–1905).

Music: Sea­sons (Men­dels­sohn) Fe­lix Men­dels­sohn (1809–1847) (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Green­wood (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Crown with Thy be­ne­dict­ion
This co­ve­nant of love;
And make this hal­lowed un­ion
Foretaste of Heav­en above:
Let pure and per­fect glad­ness,
Let pure and per­fect rest,
And peace that knows no sad­ness,
Thy pre­sence, Lord, at­test.

As once in Ed­en’s spring­time,
As once at Ca­na’s feast,
So con­se­crate this brid­al—
Be Thou its guest and priest!
With sun­shine wreathe the al­tar,
Chase ev­ery cloud away,
Nor let their voic­es fal­ter,
Who plight their troth to­day.

God bless the bride and bride­groom,
And fill with joy their life,
Keep them, through all its chang­es,
True hus­band, faith­ful wife!
If Thou wilt smile up­on them,
They shalt not need the sun,
This thought their heart re­joic­ing—
Henceforth, not twain but one.

With Thy great love be­friend them,
The love that casts out fear;
And make a rain­bow round them
For ev­ery fall­ing tear:
Till, all their sheaves well-gar­nered,
Heaven’s har­vest home they raise,
Where love, that knows no end­ing,
Inspires more per­fect praise.