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Scripture Verse

Come over to Macedonia and help us. Acts 16:9


Words & Mu­sic: Sar­ah G. Stock, 1890 (🔊 ). Writ­ten for the Church Mis­sion­ary So­ci­ety’s Glean­ers’ Un­ion An­ni­ver­sa­ry, Oc­to­ber 31, 1890, & print­ed in the Glean­er, June 1891, page 90.

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Stock (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


A cry, as of pain, again and again,
Is borne o’er the de­serts
And wide spread­ing main;
A cry from the lands
That in dark­ness are ly­ing,
A cry from the hearts
That in sor­row are sigh­ing;
It comes un­to me;
It comes un­to thee;
Oh what—oh what
Shall the an­swer be?

Oh! hark to the call;
It comes un­to all
Whom Je­sus hath res­cued
From sin’s dead­ly thrall;
Come ov­er and help us!
In bond­age we lang­uish
Come ov­er and help us!
We die in our an­guish!

It comes un­to me;
It comes un­to thee;
Oh what—oh what
Shall the an­swer be?

It comes to the soul
That Christ hath made whole,
The heart that is long­ing
His name to ex­tol;
It comes with a chor­us
Of pi­ti­ful wail­ing;
It comes with a plea
Which is strong and pre­vail­ing;
For Christ’s sake to me;
For Christ’s sake
to thee;
Oh what—oh what
Shall the an­swer be?

We come, Lord, to Thee,
Thy ser­vants are we;
Inspire Thou the an­swer,
And true it shall be!
If here we should work,
Or afar Thou should send us,
Oh grant that Thy mer­cy
May ev­er at­tend us,
That each one may be
A wit­ness for Thee,
Till all the earth
Shall Thy glo­ry see!