Scripture Verse

Let Thy saints shout for joy. Psalm 132:9


Words: Ot­ti­well Heg­in­bo­thom (1744–1768). Pub­lished post­hu­mous­ly in Hymns by the Late Rev. Ot­ti­well Heg­in­bo­thom of Sud­bu­ry, Suf­folk (Sud­bu­ry, Eng­land: J. Burk­et, 1794).

Music: Oaks­ville Hein­rich C. Zeu­ner, 1839 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of He­gin­bo­thom or Zeu­ner (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Come, shout aloud the Fa­ther’s grace,
And sing the Sav­ior’s love;
Soon shall you join the glo­ri­ous theme,
In lof­ti­er strains ab­ove.

God, the eter­nal, migh­ty God,
To dear­er names des­cends;
Calls you His trea­sure and His joy,
His child­ren and His friends.

My Fa­ther, God! and may these lips
Pronounce a name so dear?
Not thus could Heav’n’s sweet har­mo­ny
Delight my list­en­ing ear.

Thanks to my God for ev­ery gift
His bount­eous hands be­stow;
And thanks eter­nal for that love
Whence all those com­forts flow.