Scripture Verse

As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men. Galatians 6:10


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in Ju­bi­lant Voic­es, ed­it­ed by How­ard Doane, Eli­sha A. Hoff­man, Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick & Charles H. Ga­bri­el (Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Hope Pub­lish­ing, 1905), num­ber 46.

Music: W. How­ard Doane (🔊 pdf nwc).

W. Howard Doane (1832–1915)


Onward go the sun­beams,
Shining all the day;
Looking down upon us,
Now they seem to say:
Let your smile be cheer­ful,
Ever warm and bright,
Make the hearts around you
Happy with its light.


Marching on to­ge­ther,
Thro’ this fleet­ing world be­low,
Helping one ano­ther
Onward as we go;
Think of what a bless­ing,
God the Fa­ther gave to man,
Try and do for oth­ers
All the good you can;
Let your smile be cheer­ful,
Ever warm and bright,
Make the hearts around you
Happy with its light.

Hearts and hands to Je­sus,
Gladly we will give,
In the path of du­ty,
Walking while we live;
Cheering on the sad ones,
Lifting those that fall,
Shining like the sun­beams,
Doing good to all.


With a lov­ing spir­it,
While the days are bright,
Let us work re­joic­ing,
Till the dewy night;
Grateful for the bless­ings
Jesus brought to man,
Let us do for oth­ers
All the good we can.
