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Scripture Verse

He is risen from the dead. Matthew 28:7


Eliza E. Hewitt (1851–1920)

Words: Eli­za E. Hew­itt, in Fair­er Than Day (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: George C. Hugg, 1903), num­ber 203.

Music: Ar­chie A. DuBois (🔊 ).

If you know DuBois’ full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


When Je­sus left His roc­ky tomb,
Appearing to His own;
The Tree of Life burst in­to bloom,
The sun of glo­ry shone.
In His tri­umph over death and sin,
That hap­py East­er day,
Eternal life thro’ Him we win;
The stone is rolled away.


’Tis East­er, beau­ti­ful East­er;
Rejoice! ’tis won­der­ful East­er;
We greet thee glo­ri­ous East­er,
Beautiful day of life and joy!

O bless­èd hearts that hear His voice
Beneath the cy­press shade!
That in His change­less love re­joice,
Their souls in Him are stayed.
Precious hope, that looks be­yond the grave!
In Je­sus we shall meet;
His eye will watch, His arm will save;
We’ll ga­ther at His feet.


When Je­sus left His roc­ky tomb,
That morn­ing, calm and fair;
The liv­ing light dis­persed the gloom,
And in His joy we share.
In the bless­ing of these East­er hours,
We sing His sav­ing name;
The buds of spring and love’s sweet flow’rs,
His glo­ry shall pro­claim.
