Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion; shout, O daughter of Jerusalem: behold, thy king cometh unto thee: He is just, and having salvation; lowly, and riding upon an ass.
Zechariah 9:9
Words: Christopher Wordsworth, The Holy Year (London: Rivingtons, 1862), number 4. The First and Second Advents of Christ Compared.
Music: Wrexham, in the appendix to The Holy Year, 1862 (🔊
If you know the composer, or where to get a good picture of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Daughter of Zion, shout with joy,
Thy king and Savior see!
Meek, riding on an ass, a foal,
Behold! He comes to Thee!
In the Lord’s name He comes! Hosannas sing,
Daughter of Zion, shout! Behold thy king!
The foal was yet untamed, and bound;
But the Apostles say,
The Lord hath need of him
; they loose,
And garments on him lay;
Palms strew the road, on him the Lord doth ride
To Zion’s gate, the mother at his side.
So, Lord, the heathen world, untamed,
Was bound by chains of sin,
But loosed by apostolic hands
To Zion enters in:
Christ rides upon it: Guide us. Lord, that we
In Thy Jerusalem may ever be.
Thou, Lord, who once didst meekly ride
Upon the foal, art He
Who rideth on the heavens, the clouds
Are chariots to Thee;
Thou on the wings of mighty winds dost fly,
The cherubim bear up Thy majesty.
I saw Heav’n opened: I beheld
One on a white horse ride,
Followed by armies out of Heav’n
In white robes glorified;
His eyes like fire, their rays like flaming swords,
His name is King of kings, and Lord of lords!
Such at Thy second coming Thou
Wilt be, at that great day;
O help us by Thy Spirit now
Ill works to cast away,
To walk in love, as children of the light,
And follow Thee in vestments pure and white.