There shall be one fold, and one shepherd.
John 10:16
Words: Anonymous, in The Church Missionary Juvenile Instructor (London: Seeley, Jackson & Halliday, 1863), page 168.
Music: Carmina, arranged from Friedrich A. F. Flotow (1812–1883) (🔊
Alternate Tune:
If you know the author, or where to get a good picture of him (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
The day is fast approaching,
By prophets long foretold,
When all shall dwell together,
One Shepherd, and one fold.
When every senseless idol
Shall to the bats be thrown,
And every prayer be offered
To God in Christ alone.
When Jew and Gentile meeting
From many a distant shore
Shall, round one altar kneeling,
One common Lord adore.
When all that now divides us
Shall wholly pass away,
Like shadows of the morning,
Before the blaze of day.
When war shall be no longer,
And strife and tumult cease,
And earth become the kingdom
Of Christ, the Prince of Peace.
The long expected dawning
Breaks with its cheering ray;
Already morning brightens,
And shadows flee away.
O blessèd day of triumph,
That cheers the watchers on,
To pray, and hope, and labor,
Till the dark night be gone.