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Scripture Verse

There shall be one fold, and one shepherd. John 10:16


Friedrich von Flotow

Words: Ano­ny­mous, in The Church Mis­sion­ary Ju­ve­nile In­struct­or (Lon­don: See­ley, Jack­son & Hal­li­day, 1863), page 168.

Music: Car­mi­na, ar­ranged from Fried­rich A. F. Flo­tow (1812–1883) (🔊 ).

Alternate Tune:

  • Benin W. S. Foote, in The Sab­bath School Me­lo­dist, by John G. Adams (Bos­ton Mas­sa­chu­setts: R. A. Bal­lou, 1866), num­ber 10 (🔊 ). Though pub­lished with these words, the me­ter fits on­ly if one stan­za is skipped.

If you know the au­thor, or where to get a good pic­ture of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


The day is fast ap­proach­ing,
By pro­phets long fore­told,
When all shall dwell to­ge­ther,
One Shep­herd, and one fold.

When ev­ery sense­less id­ol
Shall to the bats be thrown,
And ev­ery pray­er be of­fered
To God in Christ alone.

When Jew and Gen­tile meet­ing
From ma­ny a dist­ant shore
Shall, round one al­tar kneel­ing,
One com­mon Lord ad­ore.

When all that now di­vides us
Shall whol­ly pass away,
Like sha­dows of the morn­ing,
Before the blaze of day.

When war shall be no long­er,
And strife and tu­mult cease,
And earth be­come the king­dom
Of Christ, the Prince of Peace.

The long ex­pect­ed dawn­ing
Breaks with its cheer­ing ray;
Already morn­ing bright­ens,
And sha­dows flee away.

O bless­èd day of tri­umph,
That cheers the watch­ers on,
To pray, and hope, and la­bor,
Till the dark night be gone.