Unto Me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear.
Isaiah 45:23
Words: William W. Hull, A Collection of Hymns for General Use (London: Hatchard & Son, 1833), number 150.
Music: Nun freut euch Martin Luther, in Geistliche Lieder, by Joseph Klug (Wittenberg, Germany: 1535) (🔊
Alternate Tune:
If you know where to get a good photo of Hull (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
The day must come, the judgment day,
On each fond idle dreamer,
On every wanderer from the way,
On every dark blasphemer!
The Christ will come in dread array,
Each eye behold, each heart obey,
His judge or his Redeemer!
We may grow hard, and not revere
Each old prophetic token,
Too willful and too proud to hear
What God Himself hath spoken;
Yet shall the Son of Man appear,
And strongest hearts shall fail for fear,
And wrath and pride be broken!
He comes in clouds! each dazzled eye
And conscious heart confounding,
Myriads of seraphim on high
His glorious sign surrounding!
Sun, moon, and stars, droop in the sky;
The shout dies down; the archangel’s cry;
The trump of God is sounding!
Over each distant solitude
That lonely blast is swelling,
None shall its thrilling call elude,
In earth or ocean dwelling:
Death is disarmed; the grave subdued;
To all the countless multitude
Their doom is Jesus telling!