Scripture Verse

Lord, help me. Matthew 15:25


Fanny Crosby (1820–1915)

Words: Fan­ny Cros­by, in Res­cue Songs, by Hen­ry H. Had­ley, 1896.

Music: Will­iam J. Kirk­pat­rick, cir­ca 1890 (🔊 pdf nwc).

William J. Kirkpatrick (1838–1921)


Dear Je­sus, canst Thou help me?
My soul is full of woe;
My heart is al­most break­ing,
I’ve no­where else to go.


I’ve no­where else to go,
Dear Je­sus, but to Thee,
And so I lift my voice and cry,
Have mer­cy, Lord on me.
Have mer­cy, Lord, on me.
Have mer­cy, Lord on me
And so I lift my voice and cry,
Have mer­cy, Lord on me.

I feel I am a sin­ner,
And this my on­ly plea,
The sweet and bless­èd as­sur­ance,
That Thou hast died for me.


I’ve heard there is a fount­ain,
Where cleans­ing wa­ters flow;
My sins though red like crim­son,
May now be white as snow.


Thy blood doth fill that fount­ain,
Thy blood so pure and free;
That blood availed for others,
And now avails for me.


Dear Je­sus, lov­ing Sav­ior;
Thou pre­cious dy­ing Lamb,
Where here my faith is plead­ing;
Now take me as I am.