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Scripture Verse

The desire of all nations. Haggai 2:7


Words: An­na B. Hoppe, 1921.

Music: St. Chris­to­pher Fred­er­ick C. Maker, in the Bris­tol Tune Book, 1881 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Mak­er (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), or a bet­ter one of Hoppe, would you send us an e-mail?

Anna B. Hoppe (1889–1941)


Desire of ev­ery na­tion,
Light of the Gen­tiles, Thou!
In fer­vent ado­ra­tion
Before Thy throne we bow;
Our hearts and tongues adore Thee,
Blest Day­spring from the skies.
Like in­cense sweet be­fore Thee,
Permit our songs to rise.

Thou her­ald of the morn­ing,
They who in dark­ness dwell
Behold Thy bright­ness dawn­ing
O’er realms of Is­ra­el.
With glo­ri­ous beams un­cloud­ed,
Thy all-trans­cend­ent light
Dispels the gloom that shroud­ed
Earth’s dark and dis­mal night.

Arise and shine in splen­dor,
Thou bright and morn­ing Star!
The Gen­tiles come to ren­der
Their gifts from realms afar.
The word by pro­phets spok­en
In truth is now ful­filled.
And yearn­ing hearts, once brok­en,
With sweet­est hope are filled.

Arise and bring sal­va­tion
To all who dwell be­low,
Let earth in ju­bi­lation
Reflect Thy ra­di­ant glow.
O long ex­pect­ed Sav­ior,
Thou hope of Is­ra­el,
Let Gen­tiles gain Thy fa­vor,
And of Thy glo­ry tell.

Our life and re­sur­rect­ion,
Lord Je­sus Christ, Thou art;
O shed Thy light’s re­flect­ion
To earth’s re­mot­est part;
Let Gen­tile tongues con­fess Thee,
Rejoicing in Thy light,
The ran­somed thou­sands bless Thee,
Thou hast dis­pelled the night.