Scripture Verse

That great and notable day of the Lord. Acts 2:20


Andrew Skoog (1856–1934)

Words & Mu­sic: An­drew L. Skoog, 1889 (Snart ran­das en dag). Trans­lat­ed from Swed­ish to Eng­lish by the au­thor, 1921 (🔊 pdf nwc).


We wait for a great and glo­ri­ous day,
As many as love the Lord,
When sha­dows shall flee, and clouds pass away,
And weep­ing no more be heard.


O won­der­ful day, that soon may be here!
O beau­ti­ful hope, the pil­grim to cheer!
Thy com­ing we hail in tune­ful ac­cord,
Thou glo­ri­ous day of Christ, our Lord.

In glo­ry and pow’r our king shall ap­pear,
And call to Him­self His own;
No dis­tance, nor death shall part them as here,
Nor sin, with its pains, be known.


For cross­es we’ve born then crowns will be giv’n,
For tem­pests, eter­nal calm;
For path­way of thorns, rich man­sions in Heav’n,
For war­fare, the vic­tor’s palm.


We know not the day, we know not the hour,
When sounds the last trump so clear;
But loud rings a cry from truth’s lof­ty tow­er,
The day of the Lord is near.
