Servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart.
Ephesians 6:6
Words & Music: Lelia N. Morris, 1898 (🔊
Just to trust in the Lord,
Just to lean on His word,
Just to feel I am His every day;
Just to walk by His side
With His Spirit to guide,
Just to follow where He leads the way.
Just to say what He wants me to say,
And be still when He whispers to me;
Just to go where He wants me to go,
Just to be what He wants me to be.
When my way darkest seems,
When are blighted my dreams,
Just to feel that the Lord knoweth best;
Just to yield to His will,
Just to trust and be still,
Just to lean on His bosom and rest.
Then my heart will be light,
Then my path will be bright,
If I’ve Jesus for my dearest friend;
Counting all loss but gain,
Such a friend to obtain,
True and faithful He’ll be to the end.