Scripture Verse

Servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart. Ephesians 6:6


Lelia N. Morris (1862–1929)


Words & Mu­sic: Le­lia N. Mor­ris, 1898 (🔊 pdf nwc).


Just to trust in the Lord,
Just to lean on His word,
Just to feel I am His ev­ery day;
Just to walk by His side
With His Spir­it to guide,
Just to fol­low where He leads the way.


Just to say what He wants me to say,
And be still when He whis­pers to me;
Just to go where He wants me to go,
Just to be what He wants me to be.

When my way dark­est seems,
When are blight­ed my dreams,
Just to feel that the Lord know­eth best;
Just to yield to His will,
Just to trust and be still,
Just to lean on His bo­som and rest.


Then my heart will be light,
Then my path will be bright,
If I’ve Je­sus for my dear­est friend;
Counting all loss but gain,
Such a friend to ob­tain,
True and faith­ful He’ll be to the end.
