Servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart.
Ephesians 6:6
Words & Music: Ethelwyn R. Taylor, 1902 (🔊
My life to the Savior I gave,
And thus I became His slave;
And now by His power, I’m living each hour,
And doing the will of God.
Doing the will of God,
Doing the will of God;
I’m happy and free,
And the sweet thing to me
Is doing the will of God.
In peace I am living each day,
As heav’nward I wend my way;
The path is so bright, I know I am right,
And doing the will of God.
The story to others I tell,
That with my soul it is well;
That they, too, may share the home over there,
By doing the will of God.
The Savior is coming again,
And then over all He’ll reign;
The sin that we fear will then disappear,
For that is the will of God.