Pray always.
Luke 21:36
Words: Miriam E. Arnold, in Song Praises, edited by Charles Gabriel (Carbondale, Illinois: Egyptian Publishing, 1906), number 106.
Music: Charles H. Gabriel (🔊
If you know where to get a better photo of Arnold, would you send us an e-mail?
When the day is dark and lonely,
Don’t forget to pray;
Prayer will make your pathway brighter,
Drive the clouds away.
For your tender heav’nly Father
Listens when you call,
And in loving wisdom answers,
Trust Him for it all.
Breathe out all your joys and sorrows
In His listening ear;
Is your way a maze before you?
He will make it clear.
Walking thus, and talking with Him
In communion blest,
In the secret of His presence,
He will give you rest.
When the sun is brightly shining
On your pilgrim way,
Let the Savior share your gladness,
Don’t forget to pray.
For He longs to walk beside you,
Your most trusted friend,
And abide thro’ storm and sunshine
To your journey’s end.
O the bliss this wondrous friendship
Will your soul afford,
Dwelling thus in closest union
With your loving Lord;
Till in Heav’n you shall behold Him,
See Him face to face,
And throughout eternal ages
Praise Him for His grace.