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Scripture Verse

It shall come to pass…that I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh…your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. Joel 2:28


Frederick W. Suffield

Words: Fred­er­ick W. Suf­field, 1920.

Music: Kit­tie L. Suf­field (🔊 ).

Kittie L. Suffield (1884–1972)


O have you had the vi­sion,
Have you heard the cry?
Of mill­ions lost and per­ish­ing,
O do not let them die;
Their souls have all been pur­chased
At how great a cost!
Don’t lose the vi­sion,
Keep your eye up­on the cross.


Don’t lose the vi­sion,
Keep your eye up­on the cross;
Don’t lose the vi­sion,
Or the cause will suf­fer loss;
If you want to reach an­oth­er,
Keep in touch with Christ, my bro­ther,
Don’t lose the vi­sion,
Keep your eye up­on the cross.

The young men shall see vi­sions
And the old dream dreams,
The wil­der­ness be wa­tered,
In the de­sert shall be streams,
The Spir­it poured up­on us,
Cleansing from all dross,
Don’t lose the vi­sion,
Keep your eye up­on the cross.


Isaiah had a vi­sion
Of the Lord on high
Whose train filled all the tem­ple,
And he heard the ser­aph cry;
O Ho­ly, Ho­ly, Ho­ly,
Is the Lord of hosts
Don’t lose the vi­sion,
Keep your eye up­on the cross.


The vi­sion of the pro­phet
Showed to him his sin;
He cried out, Woe is me!
For I am still un­clean with­in
The fire from off the al­tar
Purged his heart from dross,
Don’t lose the vi­sion,
Keep your eye up­on the cross.


The fields are white to har­vest,
Have you heard the call?
The Spir­it now is wait­ing,
Won’t you yield to Him our all?
The time is swift­ly pass­ing,
O! the fear­ful loss,
Don’t lose the vi­sion,
Keep your eye up­on the cross.
