Pray without ceasing.
1 Thessalonians 5:17
Words: Edna R. Worrell, 1906. Appeared in Alexander’s Gospel Songs No. 8, edited by Charles M. Alexander (New York: Fleming H. Revell, 1908), page 11.
Music: Croatia Edna R. Worrell, 1906 (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Worrell (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
I was standing at a bank counter in Liverpool, waiting for a clerk to come; I picked up a pen and began to print on a blotter in large letters, two words, which had gripped me like a vice: PRAY THROUGH.
I kept talking to a friend, and printing until I had the blotter filled from top to bottom with a column.
I transacted my business and went away. The next day my friend came to see me, and he said he had a striking story to tell me.
A business man came into the bank soon after we had gone. He had grown discouraged with business troubles. He started to transact some business with the same clerk over that blotter, when his eye caught the long column of PRAY THROUGH.
He asked who wrote those words, and when he was told exclaimed: That is the very message I needed. I will pray through. I have tried to worry through in my own strength, and have merely mentioned my troubles to God; now I am going to pray the situation through until I get light.
Charles M. Alexander
Don’t stop praying! the Lord is nigh;
Don’t stop praying! He’ll hear your cry,
God has promised, and He is true,
Don’t stop praying! He’ll answer you.
Don’t stop praying for every need,
Don’t stop praying! the Lord will heed;
No petition to Him is small;
Don’t stop praying! He’ll give you all.
Don’t stop praying when led to sin;
Don’t stop praying! that good may win;
Christ was tempted and understands;
Don’t stop praying! He’ll hold your hands.
Don’t stop praying when bowed with grief;
Don’t stop praying! you’ll get relief;
Troubles never escape God’s sight;
Don’t stop praying! He’ll make it right.
Don’t stop praying, but have more trust;
Don’t stop praying! for pray we must;
Faith will banish a mount of care;
Don’t stop praying! God answers prayer.