Scripture Verse

I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me. Revelation 3:20


Words & Mu­sic: J. F. K. Mac­Pher­son, in Me­lo­dies of Grace and Truth, ed­it­ed by Ro­bert F. Be­ve­ridge (Law­rence, Mas­sa­chu­setts & Glas­gow, Scot­land: Will­iam Mc­Ew­an & R. F. Be­ve­ridge, 1908), alt. (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know Mac­Pher­son’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Will you op­en the door of your heart to­night?
Outside Je­sus pa­tient­ly stands;
He is gra­cious­ly wait­ing, how can you Him slight?
He’s knock­ing with nail pierc­èd hands.


Just op­en the door of your heart to­night,
For Je­sus now seeks you to win;
He is wait­ing out­side,
Swing the door op­en wide,
And glad­ly He’ll en­ter in.

Will you op­en the door of your heart to­night?
Oh soul, will you long­er de­lay?
When the Sav­ior can free you from sin’s aw­ful blight,
There’s dan­ger and death in your way.


Will you op­en the door of your heart to­night?
God’s Spir­it is striv­ing with­in;
He may ne­ver again with your stub­born will fight,
But leave you to per­ish in sin.


Will you op­en the door of your heart to­night?
Don’t send the dear Sav­ior away;
Lest He leave you for­ev­er con­demned in God’s sight,
That aw­ful reck­on­ing day.
