As they entered the tomb, they saw a young man dressed in a white robe.
Mark 16:4
Words & Music: James Carter, in A Selection of Spiritual Songs with Music, for the Sunday-School, by Charles S. Robinson (New York: Century Company, 1881), number 235 (🔊
). The author’s name, omitted from this source, is given in Life-Time Hymns, by Horatio R. Palmer, Charles C. McCabe & M. R. Brouse (Chicago, Illinois: Robert R. McCabe, 1896), number 98.
If you know where to get a good photo of Carter (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Down from their home on high,
Down thro’ the starry sky,
Angels descending fly,
While the earth shaketh;
Roll they the stone away
From where the Savior lay—
Out into glorious day
His way He taketh.
Loud hallelujahs! Loud hallelujahs!
Our risen Savior, to Thee we sing:
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
He from the grave is gone,
Treading the way alone;
Death now is overthrown
By His endeavor!
Where is thy victory
O Grave? and where shall be,
O Death, our fear of thee?
Vanished forever!
Sing we Thy praise for aye,
Who washed our sins away;
Unto Thy name alway
We shall be singing:
Far down the tracts of time,
Shall every earthly clime
Join in the song sublime,
With praises ringing!