Scripture Verse

He that in these things serveth Christ is acceptable to God, and approved of men. Romans 14:18


Words & Mu­sic: R. Paul Ar­nold, 1922 (🔊 pdf nwc). De­di­cat­ed to Tho­mas H. Ada­ms, Min­is­ter of Gos­pel 40 years.

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ar­nold (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


O bro­ther, do some­thing for Je­sus,
Do some­thing, my bro­ther, to­day;
Go tell how He died for the sin­ner,
And save them from sin’s rug­ged way.


O bro­ther, do some­thing for Je­sus,
Do some­thing for Je­sus to­day,
Be faith­ful to Him, life’s bat­tles to win,
Do some­thing for Je­sus to­day.

My bro­ther, do some­thing for Je­sus,
O while not the mo­ments away,
The Sav­ior is ten­der­ly call­ing,
Enlist in His ser­vice to­day.


O bro­ther, it pays to serve Je­sus,
It pays to serve Him ev­ery day,
In Him there is strength for the wea­ry,
And mer­cy suf­fi­cient al­way.
